Exhibitor Move-Out Checklist

Written by
Jaime Ortiz
Vice President of Operations
December 27, 2023
Getting ready for move-out? Don't miss these important steps to ensure a smooth move-out process for your next show.

Looking for a PDF checklist instead? Download ours here.


  • Stop by the Freight Service Desk to complete the General Contractor’s Material Handling Agreement (MHA). You must indicate that the shipment is “Prepaid,” check “Service Level Desired,” and note your carrier as Protrade Logistics.
  • Call our Operations Team with any questions you may have, or to advise of any changes in the shipping arrangements your company has already made with us.


  • PACK ALL EQUIPMENT AND LITERATURE. When your cases return from empty storage (if applicable), remove all old shipping and “EMPTY”  labels. Be certain that each container is labelled with the new destination address labels provided by the Protrade Team.
  • If you have multiple shipments, group the portions together so a stray piece will not be overlooked. If possible, run packing tape around each complete shipment.
  • Remember to designate Protrade Logistics as your carrier on the Outbound Material Handling Form, and return the form to the Service Desk before departing.


(773) 413-7615  |  www.protradelog.com

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